Backpack App UI/UX

Rethinking Vacation Rental Booking: A Guest-Centric Approach

Project Details
Dec 2023 – May 2024

UX Design, UI Design

Challenge » Research » Analysis » Concept » Design » Feedback


Who are vacation rental booking apps really built for?

As a seasoned traveler and frequent patron of vacation rental app behemoths like Airbnb and Vrbo, I've encountered my fair share of frustrations with their booking processes. From opaque pricing structures to an abundance of hidden fees, it often feels like the guest experience takes a back seat.

It's clear that these platforms are missing the mark when it comes to serving their primary audience: guests.

Granted, I understand that short-term rentals are a lucrative business, projected to rake in a staggering $256.31 billion in revenue annually by 2030. However, as the demand for budget-friendly accommodations and staycations continues to surge, it's evident that we can—and must—do better for guests navigating the vacation rental landscape.

This realization sparked a passion project: crafting an aesthetically refined yet accessible booking platform tailored to those seeking rustic escapes in the pristine "north woods" of Wisconsin, Minnesota, or Michigan.

The allure of the north woods is undeniable—a place where nature's majesty unfolds endlessly, offering boundless outdoor adventures. But beyond the enchantment of the surroundings, my aspiration for this platform is clear:

  • Transparent pricing — Guests deserve clarity from the get-go. I envision a platform that presents all-inclusive trip costs upfront, eliminating the burden of additional fees.

  • Intimate retreats — I aim to curate listings that cater to small groups, fostering environments conducive to introspection, connection, and cherished memories.

  • Neighborly feel — Safety and reliability are paramount. Every listing on the app will boast representative imagery, verified details, and a palpable sense of security.

Of course, this was merely the inception of my vision. To ensure its viability, I embarked on a journey of data collection and user feedback, seeking to understand the goals, behaviors, and pain points of fellow vacation rental app enthusiasts.


Focused research proved indispensable in comprehending the user challenges at hand.

Throughout this pivotal project phase, I leaned on a toolkit of competitive benchmarking, online surveys, and usability tests, honing in with precision on enhancing the vacation rental booking experience. The objective of these exercises was to collect user data, enabling informed decision-making throughout the remainder of the project.

Competitive Benchmark

I conducted a thorough competitor benchmarking exercise to assess the user experience and interfaces of four competitor apps (Airbnb, Vrbo, Hipcamp, and Outdoorsy), aiming to identify strengths and uncover areas for improvement.

From a guest’s perspective, I explored the booking journey on each platform, took screenshots, and noted usability comments for each screen. I paid close attention to features crucial for business success: Home, Search, Listing, Booking, and Navigation. After completion, I summarized each section, providing a concise overview for convenient reference.

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Screenshots of insights from my online survey results.

Online Survey

I conducted an online survey to grasp the objectives, behaviors, and context of vacation rental app users. Insights revealed key takeaways:

  • Frequent use of Airbnb and Vrbo suggests emulating their interface patterns.

  • Users prioritize price, location, availability, and ratings/reviews; optimizing their presentation is crucial.

  • Mobile app experience is paramount, emphasizing intuitive navigation, responsiveness, and a streamlined booking process.

View the form »
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Recording of one usability test I conducted to observe a real user.

Usability Test

The usability test is one of the most powerful research tools in the UX process—providing rich insights directly from the user. I led a real user through a series of questions and tasks while using two competitor apps: Airbnb and Hipcamp. The observations and notes I recorded wrapped up the research phase.

View the test script »
Watch the recording »


Research + Analysis = Insights

Following the collection of qualitative and quantitative data, a comprehensive analysis was conducted to distill user experiences into actionable insights. These insights were organized into an affinity diagram and customer journey map, providing valuable guidance for the design decisions of my mobile app.

Affinity Diagram

Grouping and then further refining all my research data into themes and subgroups allowed me to identify UI/UX enhancement opportunities within the main home, search, listing, and booking screens.

View the affinity diagram »

Customer Journey Map

Understanding users' goals, behaviors, and mental models at each phase of the booking process will help me align the app's interface and functionality with expectations, leading to a smoother and more intuitive user experience.

View the customer journey map »

Insights unveil two prime product enhancement avenues

Analysis of my research revealed the two biggest opportunities to improve the booking process customer experience:

  1. Viewing and filtering relevant search results

  2. Creating a streamlined and clear booking screen

Additional key takeaways of my analysis include:

  • Ensure consistency in component styling and language used throughout the app

  • Use color intentionally in the UI to draw visual attention when necessary

  • Opt for a minimalist palette that allows for high contrast choices for actions; and utilize icons as design elements where appropriate

  • Remove unnecessary actions or options from screens to focus users’ attention

  • Leverage user profile data to provide relevant recommendations and streamline the booking experience

  • Place the search bar prominently and minimize user-input parameters required for search

  • Display listing results in multiple views (list, map) and include helpful area-specific landmarks

  • Promote price transparency by providing a clear breakdown of costs to the user, including nightly and/or total costs when user-input dates are set

  • Organize listing content intentionally, intuitively, and with the user’s decision-making hierarchy in mind


Ideate to eliminate user friction points

Building upon the insights gleaned from earlier project phases where I pinpointed the primary pain points users encountered in competitor apps, I delved into the concept phase to explore innovative approaches for enhancing the functionality of my app.

Flow Diagram & Interaction Design Sketches

To map out a high-level overview of the booking flow, I created a diagram of screens and actions indicating the “ideal path” most users would take. From there, I made low-fidelity sketches of the screen states throughout the flow and noted where the user interactions would occur.

In both of these exercises, I iterated to solve for two main user pain points:

  • Ensure that users can easily understand viewing and filtering search results

  • Total price of stay is clearly displayed, as soon as possible in the booking flow

View the flow diagram »
View the interaction design sketches »

Starting with these quick wireframes allows me to execute high-fidelity designs more efficiently.


Backpack is easy—just pack your bags and go!

Details about my design thinking coming soon!

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