
Sarah acted as director for the first dedicated creative team at EcoCart, a leading climate tech SaaS start-up focused on ecommerce sustainability and innovation. While collaborating with the marketing, sales, and product teams, she was responsible for spearheading the conceptualization and production of compelling visual assets and ensuring brand consistency across all marketing campaigns and sales enablement materials.

Brand Strategy

A large part of this role was implementing a visual brand strategy, ensuring that all assets followed a cohesive narrative and company vision. Additionally, Sarah helped develop an easily digestible and actionable brand style guide for fellow EcoCartists to follow in their roles across the organization.

Pipeline Driving & Sales Enablement Materials

The creative team provides creative support for all top-of-funnel campaign needs and mid-funnel content initiatives, such as ebooks, landing pages, webinar assets, social and email graphics, paid ads, 1-pagers, presentation decks, and other promotional assets. Leveraging her expertise, Sarah developed a wide range of marketing and sales enablement materials, including web pages, presentations, product collateral, internal communications, social graphics and email newsletters.


Backpack App UI/UX


UW–Madison's 175th Anniversary